Samples of exhibits and events

American Experience from West Coast perspective as it relates to the Presidio

Exterior signage for first exhibit

Initial branding

American Experience from West Coast perspective as it relates to the Presidio
Exhibits: Presidio Officers' Club
Sample of images from initial restoration of Presidio Officers' Club and first public exhibits. Our mission was for each exhibit to be exclusive about cultural history relevant to The Presidio and San Francisco;
-Unseen Treasures, Imperial Russia and the New World
-Japan At the Dawn of the Modern Age
Woodblock Prints from the Meiji Era, 1868-1912
Develop branding: At the Presidio
As Cultural Programs Director for the Presidio Trust, these exhibitions were produced in collaboration with my Cultural Programs staff, other Trust employees, various contractors and in some instances, the NPS.
Live Event: UN Celebration
Behind the scenes at the anniversary event celebrating the creation and signing of the United Nations Charter.
There are two events: One held in the spring when the UN Charter was being written. The final event is on the anniversary of the signing of the Charter.
KV+Associates produced all media for both events.

Exhibit travels to Levi Strauss offices as part of employee training.

Intolerance Kiosk design

Fair Trade Certified

Exhibit travels to Levi Strauss offices as part of employee training.
Traveling Exhibit: Levi Strauss
Pavilion of Awareness exhibit for Levi Strauss is a multimedia experience using four kiosks addressing subjects of Intolerance, Business Ethics,
Prejudice and Racism and Culture. Audio clips, moving montages, photos, poems, writings, cultural music, videos, legacy walls, a passages environment and a thinking space created a ceremonial environment to stimulate interactive discussions about these challenging subjects.
In collaboration with Michael Stocker Design.